Creative artistic research

The foldout poster for the lecture series. © Henrike Uthe

Every semester, the +dimensions team focuses on a common issue. Based on the fact that their approach as a research group is experimental, performative and practice-oriented, in the summer semester of 2022 we questioned How do art, design and research intersect?In whichways do expanded concepts of research operate? Don’t artistic and creative practices already inherently entail research? As part of this debate, we invited five theorists, artists, designers and researchers to the +dimensions lecture series "Blurred Territories." The guests presented their perspectives on the topic to the team and the university public in a lecture, followed by a discussion. In parallel, during internal weekly meetings, the +dimensions team examined the lecture content , their protagonists, and positions on the topic. Students and all other university staff will soon have the opportunity to contribute to the topic via an open call to publish in aprint publication which will collect the texts and projects from all participants.

Time Period

SoSe 2022


Jour Fixes and Lectures

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    Henrike Uthe