In the short-term project “Start from scratch the avatar”, the students first design an outfit virtually on the avatar in three-dimensional space and then implement this design analogue: At the beginning, the students receive three days of compact training in Clo3D and then have two days to design the virtual outfit based on a freely chosen inspiration theme. To examine the 3D software as a design tool, the digital cut of the outfit is printed out and the virtually designed outfit is converted into fabric. Finally, the students compare the analogue with the digital garments and answer the following questions for reflection: What advantages do I see in the designing with a 3D tool? Does the tool lead me to a certain design style? Do I still have to optimise a lot on the two-dimensional digital cut or does the transfer to the analogue work without problems? Does the analogue realisation of my design correspond to the virtual design and thus to my ideas as a designer? How would I like to use the tool in the future? The analytical results of the project flow into Madeleine Madej's research work.